How to download your phone contacts from your Google account in 4 easy steps

 How to download your phone contacts from your Google account in 4 easy steps

Do you need to access the contacts stored in your Google account? If so, you're in the right place! This blog post will show you how to download contacts from your Google account in just four easy steps. Whether you need to transfer your contacts to a new phone or just want to make a backup of your existing contacts, following these steps will help you do it quickly and easily.

1) Log into your Google account

If you have a Google account, you will need to log in to access your contacts. To do this, simply go to the homepage of your Google account and enter your login information. 

Don't have account yet? You will need to create one. To do this, go to the homepage of your Google account and select the “Create an Account” button. Fill out the required fields and click the “Create Account” button. Once you have created your account, you can then proceed to the next step.

2) Go to the Contacts section

The first step in downloading your phone contacts from your Google account is to access the Contacts section. To do this, open your browser and navigate to Google’s main page and then login.

Once you have logged in, select the Google Apps icon in the upper right corner of the page. It looks like a small square with nine dots inside it. This will open a menu of all the available apps.
Select the ‘Contacts’ option from this list. You will now be in the main Contacts section of your Google account. When viewed from your mobile, you should see your contacts under people & sharing section of your google account. Here, you will see all the contact information for anyone who has been added to your address book.
In order to download these contacts, click on the ‘More’ button located in the upper right corner of the page. This will bring up a drop-down menu. Select the ‘Export’ option from this menu. Now you are ready to proceed to the next step of downloading your phone contacts from your Google account.

3) Select the Export option

Once you’ve navigated to the Contacts section of your Google account, you’ll need to select the Export option. This can be found at the top of the page or on the left-hand side under the menu.
When you click on the Export option, a dialogue box will appear that allows you to choose which contacts you’d like to export. You can export all contacts, or select specific contacts from the list. Once you’ve selected which contacts you’d like to export, click the ‘Export’ button.

4) Choose the file type and location

After clicking the ‘Export’ button, a pop-up window will appear that allows you to choose the file type and location for your exported contacts. The two most common file types are vCard (VCF) and CSV files. 

Once you have selected the Export option, you will be presented with a few options. First, choose the file type you wish to download your contacts in. You can choose from a vCard or a CSV file. If you are unsure which type of file you should select, we recommend downloading as a CSV file, as it is compatible with almost all contact management programs.
The next step is to choose where to save the file. This can be done by selecting the “Save to Drive” or “Save to Computer” option, depending on your preference. If you select “Save to Drive”, the file will be stored in Google Drive. Once you have chosen your desired file type and location, click the “Export” button to finish the process. Your contacts will then be downloaded and saved in the location you selected. 


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